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 Mugen Interview April Fools Special:Crom Lando Interview

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PostSubject: Mugen Interview April Fools Special:Crom Lando Interview   Mugen Interview April Fools Special:Crom Lando Interview I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2015 3:11 pm

No this is not an april fools prank this is an all new Mugen interview special with......
Mugen Interview April Fools Special:Crom Lando Interview Girl_club
Family Man,ulitmate playa/pimp & a mugen genius
this guy has created hes mugen empire from the ground up making big moves

Supaman-So Lando How did you first learn about MUGEN and how long ago was that?

Crom Lando-1.Oh boy here we go. Lol. Well i learned about Mugen back in 2000 in november. A friend of mine who worked as a programmer for a game studio told me about it and i checked it out. That was 14 years ago. Played around with jt for awhile but then took breaks cause i had my newborn son and focused  my fatherly duties for some years till i got free time. Around 2005 going into 2006 i came across mugen again and just did as i always did....lurked around warehouses and site collectin characters, new stages made, screen packs and all.  I finally decided to join a site officially which was MFG and just over time joined others. Love of mugen was very strong  so i stayed. Lol.

Supaman-So your famous for Many projects,What you been working on lately?

Crom Lando-Well i dont know about me being famous for projects but The biggest project i have is Anime Battle Royal which started way before i found out about mugen...in idea. But once i decided to join in the community and do something, it was and still is my first love to complete. Its gone through graphic changes but i am more confident as a spriter and gfx dude now to pull out what i always wanted it to look like. HD/HR style. Other game that came along was the Crom Bor game. Some cool community folks have joined in and done some things but its in their spare time if they wish to contribute work for it. Me and Heka pretty much layin down things slowly as time gone pass for certain stage and loganir made a stage for himself and verz and i got one of his sprites for his self sprite to use as a bartender in the club. Lol. Its a project that will only come to life of others want to participate.

I had others i wanted to do like Jesse Quick, Monet st Croix and just random other characters but i am not much a solo character creator type. I love full games. So as of those single wips i am not sure if i will do them fully  or if i do them will they be public and just pvt.  But i got a Hobo character in play that i do want to make public. ..for the lolz.
I am tho makin a set of CROM lifebars and a few stages i want to release , so i am workin on those also. CROM JOINTS!! :)

Supaman-Since you been on low kee what crom been up too?

Crom Lando-HMMM Well as of now i am in the indie development field and top priority is both my first android game and  then mugen wise is ABR.  Workin on 3 projects behind the scenes for quite some time and a lot of work but i love it. But these take the most top priority.

Supaman- So Where Can We Find Lando?

Crom Lando-THE Lando is everywhere!!!! Lol. But mostly you will find me at Imt, Crusader Cast chatbox, Crom Interactive ( will be there much more this year since its gettin a overhaul look done that will fit finally) the most and sometimes here and there at MFFA chatbox and on Deviant Art. I frequent MFG time to time also.

Supaman- Now the question we all been waiting for,How did the crom empire started?

Crom Lando-Lmao wow the Crom empire started with 7 of us cool bros jokin around in last person to post thread and since some was helpin me on my project we was trying to think of a crew name. We tossed out a bunch of funny names but i was sittin and watching Conan the barbarian movie  and eating a cheesesteak and then i thought....yo   CROM.  So i came up with what it could mean  Creative Rebels Of Mugen and they agreed. We then added Openbor  for the big O instead since a few guys in the crew messed with openbor engine. From there we just was being cool with folks and i started askin people i was getting to be friends with and cool friends that was funny and still talented to wanna join us. Its a brotherhood of friends.  So from there it went from original 7 dudes to 10 then to 20 and now like 52 guys scattered across mugen. Funny thing is....some people dont even know who is Crom or not from each other...but Lando knows. Hehehehehe.

Supaman-Which chararcter that you create is your favorite and which one did you enjoy the progress of making?

Crom Lando-My fav character to create would have to extend to characters instead. I got many but sticks out the most are Hakufu cvs ish, Adam Blade and Monet st Croix adult  , Exiles Mimic with helps in shading lesson by Batzarro and Jesse Quick with touch up and advice from Z999. Those are the most proud i am of my low res stuff i would say  and creating But those  anime ones are now gonna be high res to hd blazblue style for ABR.  My hd work my fav is always gonna be Daywaver since she is the first original HD character i made for my indie fighting game on android and all the ones i am currently workin on for It. I done gotten much better at blazblue like hd spriting to where i favor it more. I love HD spriting to death!!! Ok and spriting females .....period. love the bewbs and figures. Lol.  The most fun.....all the females sprites. Especially the new HD ones. Hehehehe   giggity

Supaman-What Mugen creators you admire?

Crom Lando- I admire a lot of creators out here past and present. Spriters are my most fav dudes cause i get to see visually their art and inspires me to be better.  Li kun, Nestor, Manic ( my 3 sprite teachers and folllwed and listened to their advice when istarted out) , Batzarro, Aiduzzi, Oggy, Z999, Trexrell,  Zvitor, Loganir, Verz, many of the scruffy dragons back in the day, Everyone from the Unlimited cause thats where i stayed the most in their old gallery of sprites lol.  Diepod, Cvs abstract,  Balthazar, Felo lop, Twinimage, i cant remember all the names but the HR spriters over at Deviant art are awesome, coder dudes Demonkai, Infinite, R@ce 45, P.O.T.S, Vyn, Beximus, B-5 ,  O ilusionista , ( the first and oldest name in mugen i can remember cause i thought his name was like a magician lol bro Big O ) and some others out there, Stage makers and GFX folls Ex Shadow, Dissidia , Oldgamer, Electro ( dude is awesome) Dev , Syn,  MOTVN,  ( i always mess up his name i think its spelled right lol) Hloader ( hands down one of the best SP makers in mugen) and then the fresh bloods comin up like Mon el, Supaman2525, NO Face Mavrick ( his game is gonna be real nice!!! Ghost Killah....ok too many to name them all but yall know i love yall work. Lol
A bunch of folks new around the last 4 to 5 years and of course all my Crom fam spriting , codin and the works.  My fav Gfx avy and sig makers Rage  ( bonifide animator pro) and Horouboi!!   All these folks and many more inspire me to always learn and get better to either match them one day some day and just to be as good as i can be.....before i am too much of a dusty old pervy hobo pimp to do anything. Lol.

Supaman-Whats the future for crom?

Crom Lando-Well the future of C.R.O.M to me is always bright as long as the good peoples stick to they guns and keep on workin on what they enjoy and produce if any. For me i am retiring out and finally going into the legit developer field of  Indie Development.  I been part of that circle before there was a mugen and did some small concept work and game testing many many years ago. So this year i am looking forward to my official business Crom Interactive Games to be fully licensed and i am already on the go into it workin on projects and should have a demo up on android later this year With first full release sometime afterwards. Its a platformer in the vein of a megaman cross mario brothers style. The next project for me after that one is a full 3d cel shaded fighting game i been workin on for a year in concept and fleshin out the visual work. Showed off the sprite concepts of a few in the sprite threads around. The future of Crom is bright in both Mugen and beyond!

Supaman-Any Tips For Any newcomers who are joining mugen?

Crom Lando-Tips for newcomers....hmmmm lets see. First and foremost... respect other creators works. They work very hard on them and in their spare time they also share them with the community to use. Creator respect means a lot to me since i respect all creators stuff. Its an art and i admire not just their work but them for doing it. As far as jumping into wanting to create things for mugen ....take yo sweet time! Learn as much as you can, read tuts, find a cool person who can advice you some here and there and like i was told by my teachers...practice, practice and then keep practicing!  Lol. Dont be scared to think outside the box either, thats where a lot of creativity dwells and you wanna get in on it cause there is many things to learn and to achieve.  Have patience and do not rush nothing! Takin you time to look over ya work is crucial and you can always find better solutions to do things with a glance over to find stuff you missed. God knows i done that many times still. Lol.  I am still a noob to myself  and others and i always am a student even if i done mastered something.  Mugen  is a great hobby and a great stepping  stone to learn things and improve skills  even more. Well i was gonna say boobs the entire interview but i gave long speeches. Lol.

Oh and if ya make females.....make em sexy and plenty boobs!!!  giggity   Peace peoples and stay Creative!! Honored to do an interview!!!  Boobs!!!! Lol

lol same here lando stay pimpin homie

I hope u all enjoy this interview, peace ya'll
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PostSubject: Re: Mugen Interview April Fools Special:Crom Lando Interview   Mugen Interview April Fools Special:Crom Lando Interview I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2015 5:59 pm

Lol cool bro real cool! Thanx! Lol
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Posts : 966 CROM Points : 1150
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Age : 50
Location : Philly , Pa

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PostSubject: Re: Mugen Interview April Fools Special:Crom Lando Interview   Mugen Interview April Fools Special:Crom Lando Interview I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 01, 2015 6:25 pm

Yo.....funny you made that poster too bro......i am workin on a Crom Magic City Club stage and got a good look for ot ...plus i am makin strippers...booty shakin animations and all. This needs to be released when done so imma get with some folks and see what can make happen. Lol its Crom Time Showtime bruh! Drool
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