EPIC chris, Leon, and ashley .Are you guys ready?
tho for the most part all number RE games go in order this one does seem like it may take place between four and five. You got Ashley and leon. assuming her father she is still with leon. This make one think this may one reason its between 4 and 5. Chris with no jill, so this would lead to one to assume that it before five as well. The Game trailer looks epic but i know better them to be sold on that alone.
They also mention a revamp control system tho these is no word how this will be implemented
the visuals how ever look like they may be a step down from five. I hope this game is more like four too, Five was too short and linear. it was very short for a RE game. The replay value was high as hell how ever. If this game is more like four with co-op ill be in heaven, i mean hell
the other thing sides the visuals that scare me is this made be the last RE. They it would be great if chris and leon appeared in the same game. due to there popularity the game would have to be epic. There meeting would be more suited for a final installment.
Tho we all know crapcom loves to whore out there franchises