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Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 05, 2019 10:57 am by Doom

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Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 08, 2018 12:35 pm by Rage

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Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 01, 2016 11:19 pm by Alpyne_D

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Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 26, 2016 10:42 am by Enso

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 Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip

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Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip Empty
PostSubject: Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip   Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 25, 2011 8:17 pm

My wip Monet St Croix otherwise Known as M from Generation X of Marvel Comics. i will be showcasing work on her from time to time as i am busy as well with other projects in the CROM Fam and around.
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Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip   Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 06, 2012 7:59 pm

Cant wait for M!!!
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Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip   Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 24, 2012 2:52 pm

Monet St. Croix? I read that she is a female version of Wolverine (personality wise).
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Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip   Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 24, 2012 10:07 pm

Uche wrote:
Monet St. Croix? I read that she is a female version of Wolverine (personality wise).

she has a very "stuck up " attitude basically. Family is rich and she is spoiled, very. lol. her personality is not sorta like wolverine in that sense how he is but she mostly thinks of other stuff as trivial. i guess when you are as powerful as she is in her amount of abilities you would be kinda snob too plus spoiled. lol. i will work on her as she is on hold for awhile cause i am working alot on ABR, Jesse Quick, helping out O illu on something as i go and Crom the Game later. I will post a new redo sprite of her that i been working on in the Lando Crom Lab for a hot sec. i am learning more about MVC style spriting and Batzarro showed me some cool things to actually implement so she is in a full redesign stage. happy smile
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Age : 40

Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip   Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 24, 2012 11:50 pm

What are her mutant powers and how will you implement them?
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Posts : 966 CROM Points : 1150
Join date : 2011-12-22
Age : 50
Location : Philly , Pa

Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip   Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 26, 2012 12:45 am

Uche wrote:
What are her mutant powers and how will you implement them?

her powers basically are:
invulnerability, agility, dexterity, speed, reflexes & reactions, coordination, and balance. She is virtually invulnerable ( can take a direct hits from the hulk and and other small blasts and firearms), super strength enough to lift cars, blow apart trees in a single punch and snap street lights with ease, telepath, superhuman acute hearing, telescopic sight and night vision, perfect memory, superhuman intuitive skills, merging abilities with all her siblings and each merge has different powers, flight at supersonic speeds by psionic will, a healing factor that is much faster and resistant to toxins and disease and possibly aging prossess, like wolvierines.
she has formidable hand to hand combat skills and a genius level intellect.

basically she is Badass and bad news to enemies. lol

I plan to incorporate most as i can her powers in specials and hypers. basics are just her combat skills. I would think with her to incorporate all facets of her abilities i will combine some in one hyper, others by themselves and others as as a mode. Like giving her limited flight and performing a hyper only during that flight mode.. Plus Gateway is in 2 of the planned hypers with her as well some of the team members for a super hyper and a couple as maybe helpers. she is a big wip i plan to max out with everything i am learning in mugen creating. before her will be Jesse Quick solo release. My testing out alot of some of the things i will have learned to then move on to adding on that knowledge from Jesse, and ABR to fullness with Monet. The rest is all hush hush...just how i like it. lol.
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Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip Empty
PostSubject: Re: Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip   Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip I_icon_minitime

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Marvel comics Monet St Croix (M) from Generation X wip
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