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 Mobile fighting games discussion

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Mobile fighting games discussion Empty
PostSubject: Mobile fighting games discussion   Mobile fighting games discussion I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2015 1:34 pm

First i wanna thank folks for comin to the site and as well viewing this topic.

There seems to be this trend with mobile fighting game mainly by nether realms with its titles like wwe immortals and injustice and now MK x that leaves me very puzzled. In another topic i ranted about the non controller issue and some of the same ole same ole done in mk x mobile as the previous titles which do it better....of sorts.

For some reason i think companies ( other than capcom and snk and namco) are adopting this tap tap swipe method of gameplay rather than add in a viable control option to be standard toward these ported games or made for mobile.
It can be done....look at soul calibur android for an example. Sizable buttons and on point good joystick controller layout and it works. Sf4 hd, sf4 arena and sf x tekken and kof 13 have set a control scheme to fit the touch pads just nicely done. Minus drop in graphic quality of sf4 hd , sf4 arena and such. Which kinda flabbergasts me too. Why a drop in graphics when soul calibur and some of the newer games like mk x , wwe imortals, batman arkham origina and injustice have super sharp graphics? Sacrificing comtrols for graphics? Thats semi ridiculous.. i would rather have a balance of both so it could be an all round fighter with good graphics and a layout comtrol scheme. It can be done.....again...look at soul calibur android. It works perfectly .

What they need to dk is find a medium where it would benefit them and the consumers they can and wanna reach. The mobile market is vast, more vast than console gamers. 8 out of 10 people have a mobile device, 1 out of every 10th home has a console of some sort. Do the math. With newer tech comin out basically from quarterly aside from yearly there is a steady stream of new things these mobiles can do ranging from the ultra powerful tablets and cellphones down to the dual core ones which are still powerful enuff to run psp emulator games at a significant speed and quality.

So that means the tiny emulator devs can outshine these robust large companies by compiling a code structure to run and simulate a product the big guys made ? But the big guys not taking it upon themselves to cash in on the tech and brjng those same older to newer titles to the mobile market like the emu devs have shown it can be done? Yes all emulators have set backs and some games have combatability issues simce they arent built to run through an emulator and added to that one made by hobby devs too. This is where sega showed it can be done with Soul Calibur android and mobile. Kof 13 is showing a way to do the 2d fighters. So how come folks like Nether realm havent picked up on this? Sure capcom made sf4, sf4 arena ( which needs to be usa localized too) revolt for the ios and sf x tekken on ios ( which needs to be ported to amdroid as well capcom) even tho they are made by outsource mobile divisions it all can be dome to replicate the console version. I would take a small drop in graphic quality to have Doa 5 last round ported to my mobile tablet then screw it up with a tap tap control and no formal button layout as the console gamepads. I been around the indie field for quite slme time now and before that long before mugen existed and did some stuff too. So i cant see why these companies are lowering the bar instead of raising it On the mobile scale.

We could have the same port of sf4 incarnation from console run exactly same graphic quality on mobile...look again at injustice amd now mk x....and utilize the same control method used in those games made on mobile for sf4. So no you dont need to seriously down the graphics ( in all the sf4 and sf x tekken mobiles) to make the game playable. Just down it enuff . Hell i can play psp version of tekken 6 on my tablet in an emulator and it plays and looks great for that, so ya mean to tell me the big companies cant do this? I wonder whats the real problem, cant say tech cause we have it doable in just dual core, its the emulator not the cores, so what is the real issue here and why theynhavent jumped on it?

Please dont even tell me its the consumers who say mobile games should not have fighting games on it and the fgc pro players are the ones even telling you this too. They do not speak for all or the majority of fighting gamers. The casuals make the companies the most money off games. We want the same good treatment as the company portables since the mobile market is far bigger. You want money.....mobile market is where its at. Vita, 3ds.....small fries in the mobile market. Their numbers are tiny in comparison to mainsteam mobile devices and some can house the power to simular power as those. If soul calibur can do it.....why not the others.

I have played doa2 on an emu,ator and i got the dreamcast game, its mines not jacked, so if i can play that on a mobile....then why cant the others be ported by the companies themselves? The market for earnings is there to make money off of a company housed and produced doa 2 and up, same with sf4 console cersions ported over i graphics and so on. They would make money off games they no longer make money off of . The spending output would be smaller in budget and would not only make a return on what was spent but a profit As well. Hell ya can make tekken 7 for mobile but give it psp tekken 6 graphics and gameplay with a touch controller pad and it would sell like hotcakes! People who dont like mobile games have no say in the matter. They just dont like it cause they are console used to. So thats where they will stay and even tho...one day even they will and might be swayed to play a tekken 7 mobile while out and cant get to they console version. You could even tie it in through cloud service and save your gameplay recording for a combo your getting good at on mobile and then save to cloud and then at home on console log in and replay what you did and try it out in practice on the console version. Many applications and this is one of the ways my game will function for android And mobiles if i make a console version.

The tech is there, the power is there, the companies can do it, the market to make money is there.....just domt get all greedy and try to do pay to win crap , sell the game digital and in app purchase for dlc materials. People will buy those. Hell make doa 5 mobile and have some outfits ya can unlock and make in app dlc costume packs and tons will jump on those at very affordable prices. Hell i woukd pay 3 to 5 bucks a dlc pack on mobile, hell i would pay 10 to 20 too. I got the full game and the dlc is optional. People are gonna want that dlc especially if the game is done right.

All i can say is seriously think about it and the true potential we have at our finger tips and those companies have at their commamd to make it all happen .it can all be done. I rather play a solid no problem company game version than have to do toggle settings in an emulator sometimes so i can get a serious play on deck. I love emulators but i think it's time for the big guys at the companies to make them even better and play with zero tech issues as some emulators cant play all the games or to cant run them good and clean. Try it companies.....tecmo, Namco ( you settin the comtrol standard already and showing it can be done so do some more! Do tekken better now, no more card game style crap) Capcom and nether Realm! Stop giving us super graphical watered down , card battle required and non cotroller touch button layouts and actually bring the real deals. We can handle small graphical changes but trust me, it ain that hugelynot doable....again...ppspp running tekken 6 looks great on my tablet, doa 2 on reicast looks great and runs cool on my tablet...if you can take those new gen games and even pull the graphics down to those if needed....it would work out beautifully. Think about it And think very hard.
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