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 what video games are you playing lately?

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Posts : 127 CROM Points : 220
Join date : 2011-12-24
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PostSubject: what video games are you playing lately?   what video games are you playing lately? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 03, 2012 1:16 am

I am playing Need for speed Most wanted (2012) for PS3 and rocking Battlefield 3 new DLC aftermath on PS3. And yes i have the Premium pack so i get it free
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Posts : 966 CROM Points : 1150
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Age : 50
Location : Philly , Pa

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PostSubject: Re: what video games are you playing lately?   what video games are you playing lately? I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 03, 2012 2:29 pm

i been playing doa 5 mostly and maxing out on some demos. one which is jojo bizarre adventure hd joint on xbla. good ole nostalgia. still trying to master some of the doa babes and dudes. i been rocking Pai hardbody and learning to hook in some of her combos with certain throws seamless. the cpu on master mode whooped my ass with this chain to throw that was so fluid i thought it was a regular chain sequence.....not! its something you have to learn to chain yourself thats not part of the player commands. just stringin combos to put an extra dose of asswhoopery in with the front over head kick. i been pulling that off with about 5 different chains, some short and some long. Beast mode inciated! :lol:
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