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Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 21, 2016 5:53 pm by Alpyne_D

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Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 31, 2016 6:07 pm by C.R.O.M._supaman2525

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Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 01, 2016 11:19 pm by Alpyne_D

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Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. I_icon_minitimeTue May 31, 2016 1:19 pm by Alpyne_D

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Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 03, 2016 2:13 pm by Alpyne_D

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Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 26, 2016 10:42 am by Enso

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Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 6:00 am by Alpyne_D

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 Lando's Comic/anime character request thread.

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Posts : 966 CROM Points : 1150
Join date : 2011-12-22
Age : 50
Location : Philly , Pa

Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. Empty
PostSubject: Lando's Comic/anime character request thread.   Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 01, 2014 3:12 pm

Well fellas and ladies. lol. i thought about this for almost a year and a half and figured there are many comic fans out here in mugen than anything i can imagine. lol. To help better myself at spriting and trying different things i wanted to start this thread in hopes of spriting comic characters...but i have some rules for those tho. lol. I dont usualy sprite comic characters so throughout the spare moments i will have during project work , i can slide in a few time frames to do a simple edit of a character male or female and at mostly requests for one.i will also tackle some anime and maybe manga ones too: here are my rules;

1. cannot be a sprite of a character that is already made in mugen or an edit that already exists. no self portrait either. lol
2. must be a comic character only. marvel , DC, Image and such. and no Alternate version of those either within those comics. meaning no alternate nightcrawler and such from apocalypse saga and such.
3 you can only list one character. thats it. no 2 or 3 or come back and ask for another. just 1. my time is limited and i will only use that time frame to do one per person request.
4 provide at least 3 good quality images of the character and with outfit looking good. no cosplay images. Clean comic images and such with clean quality.
5. no porno stuff. but super sexy heavenly bodied, scanitly clad clothed and semi nude female characters are good to go
6. no chibi/pocket or tiny sprited characters versions either. i want to use just regular size bases for these.

So far these are my personal rules for this . it will help me practice as i go and doing mostly all in low res spriting. i will reply back and let you know if i will work on the request and may ask for base submission if i need it. other than that i will use what bases i can and choose. i favor those left field kinda of characters. ones most may not know about as much or not as popular per say. but i welcome any long as they not the usual suspects from comics . i want folks to dig deeper into the comics and pull out some that have no been sprited before in any version. thumbs up 
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C.R.O.M. Spriter
C.R.O.M. Spriter

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Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lando's Comic/anime character request thread.   Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 01, 2014 6:43 pm

Ok Lando, I'll take you up on this challange.  happy smile 

Sense you are doing Jesse Quick in the near future, how about getting a head start on trying to sprite her husband, the second Hourman, Rick Tyler:

Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. HourmanII_03

Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. DcdJSA_Ross_Hourman

Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. Hourmanbelle

 so cool 
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Posts : 966 CROM Points : 1150
Join date : 2011-12-22
Age : 50
Location : Philly , Pa

Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lando's Comic/anime character request thread.   Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 01, 2014 7:02 pm

hmmmm , so no sprite of him is around correct? even if another outfit? if not... then i think i can do this version. lol i already have a few bases jumped into my head just looking at him.  Sinister plans 
might not be done quickly cause i am doing other stufffor projects and for Kai, but i can free up some quick time, i shall take up this sprite request! thumbs up 
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Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lando's Comic/anime character request thread.   Lando's Comic/anime character request thread. I_icon_minitime

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